Whiskey Tails Ranch

While there are many cattle breeds in North America today, the Texas Longhorn was the first cattle breed in North America.  It also shares the dubious distinction of almost being bred out of existence in the early 20th century as ranchers strove to improve the beef production qualities of their herds. 

Even today, many "Registered Longhorns" are the products of crossbreeding.  Often, the genetics are modified by humans to satisfy a specific goal.  Want a beef cow with the robustness of a Longhorn?  Cross in an Angus.  Would you like more showy horn length?  Cross in a Watusi.  While that works for many folks, we feel such breeding dilutes what makes a Longhorn a Texas Longhorn.  Being Texans, we feel a real pride knowing we're keeping a bit of history.  All of our Longhorn cattle are DNA confirmed back to the original Andalusian cattle the Spanish brought with them to the New World 500 years ago.

Pretty as they may be, our Longhorns aren't just pretty pasture ornaments.  They also serve as herd protectors, chasing off four-legged pasture intruders on sight.  We've witnessed multiple instances of our girls chasing down coyotes and stray dogs with the intent of a good stomping.  Local canines tend to give our place a wide berth thanks to our horned security team.